Le Cochon est revenes

The sexy French daddy bear Emello is back and hungry for more of my Monster meat. Emello and I got back together during PigWeek in Fort Lauderdale. After last time, he told me how he wanted to taste every part of my body. So this time we took a little extra time for Emello get feed his hunger. He ate my toes, my feet, my pits, my ass, and of course he sucked won my fat cock. But I couldn't let that big beefy ass go to waste, so I got his hole lubed up and worked my fat cock up his hole. This time around I made sure to pound the fuck out of him so he could feel it the rest of his vacation, and he sure did. Next time, I'm going to have to bring a few buddies over to own that ass.

Categories: Athletic Bareback Big Dick Cubs Jockstraps Latin Muscular
Details: Feb 14, 2020 21 min
Photo of Emello
Photo of Hunter Scott
Hunter Scott

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